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Correction - Lift Off Spools, Cassettes and Cover Up Tabs
A typewriter? You made a mistake on a typewriter? Some really smart people invented lift off correction tape, a coated plastic tape about a 1/4" on a little reel that fits perfectly into your machine. It's an ingenious piece of technology that when used with a correctable film ribbon will magically remove your mistake from the paper with a touch of a button! I know . . . crazy isn't it? The cool thing is . . . no one will ever know you even made a mistake.

How do you correct a mistake with a manual typewriter? Well . . . we carry these little tabs that are 2" x 3", slip this little guy into your typewriter and strike the key and wahlah, you have a white letter sitting on top of your mistake. Its the best we got . . .

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1136433 IBM Selectric 2/3 Lift Off Correction Tape 1136433 IBM Selectric 2 or 3 Lift Off Correction Tape 6 Box

Genuine IBM brand Selectric 2 or 3 LO Tac Lift off correction tape.

Our Price: $36.95
1337765 IBM Wheelwriter Lift Off Cassette 1337765 IBM Wheelwriter Lift Off Correcting Cassette

Genuine IBM Wheelwriter lift off correcting cassette, fits all IBM Wheelwriter typewriters.

Our Price: $36.95
1ESBL 8 Cover Up Tabs 8 Pack 2X3 1ESBL-8 Cover Up Tabs 8 Pack 2 X 3

These are the white and chalky cover up correction tabs you can you use on any manual or electric typewriter to make corrections.

Our Price: $15.99
1ESBL 8 Cover Up Tabs 8 Pack 2X3 1ESBL-8 Cover Up Tabs 8 Pack 2 X 3 (NOW 8 PACK)

These are the white and chalky cover up correction tabs you can you use on any manual or electric typewriter to make corrections.

Our Price: $15.99
21050 Smith Corona H Series Lift Off Tape 2 Pack 21050 Smith Corona H Series Lift Off Tape 2 Pack

Genuine Smith Corona lift off tape spools, fits many Smith Corona typewriters that use the H series ribbon.

Our Price: $16.95
21060 Smith Corona H Series Lift Off Cassette 21060 Smith Corona H Series Lift Off Cassette

Genuine Smith Corona lift off cassette, fits many Smith Corona typewriters that use the H series ribbon.

Our Price: $16.95
21065 Smith Corona Cover Up Cassette 21065 Smith Corona Cover Up Cassette

Smith Corona Cover Up Cassette

Our Price: $16.95
22210 Smith Corona K Series Lift Off Tape 2 Pack 22210 Smith Corona K Series Lift Off Tape 2 Pack

Genuine Smith Corona lift off tape, fits Smith Corona typewriters that use a K series ribbon.

Our Price: $15.95
3015 Brother AX 10 Lift off Correction Tape 3015 Brother AX 10 Lift off Correction Tape Box of 6

Brother brand lift off tape box of 6

Our Price: $25.95
3701L IBM Wheelwriter 3 Lift Off Cassette 3701L IBM Wheelwriter 3 Compatible Lift Off Correcting Cassette

IBM Wheelwriter 3 Compatible Lift Off Correcting Cassette

Our Price: $16.95
3710D Xerox Memorywriter 600 Series Lift Off Tape 3710D Xerox Memorywriter 600 Series Lift Off Tape 1 Each

This is the lift off tape you need for your Xerox Memorywriter 600 Series typewriters.

Our Price: $6.50
3717D AT&T 6100 Lift Off Tape 3717D AT&T 6100 Lift Off Tape 1 Each

This is the lift off tape you need for your Xerox Memorywriter 600 Series typewriters.

Our Price: $4.95
3721D Silver Reed EX 42 Lift Off Tape 3721D Silver Reed EX 42 Lift Off Tape 1 Each

This is the lift off tape you need, fits many Silver Reed typewriters.

Our Price: $4.95
3745D Olivetti ET 2250 Lift Off Cassette 3745D Olivetti ET 2250 Lift Off Correcting Cassette

This is the lift off tape you need, fits many Olivetti ET series typewriters.

Our Price: $18.50
3748D Xerox Memorywriter 6000 Lift Off Tape 3748D Xerox Memorywriter 6000 Series Lift Off Tape 1 Each

This is the lift off tape you need, fits Xerox Memorywriter 6000 series typewriters.

Our Price: $12.95
3753D Panasonic RK T40 Lift Off Tape 3753D Panasonic RK T40 Lift Off Tape 1 Each

This is the lift off tape you need, fits Panasonic RK-T series typewriters.

Our Price: $6.95
3773D Sharp PA 3000 Lift Off Tape 3773D Sharp PA 3000 Lift Off Tape 1 Each

This is the lift off tape you need, fits many Sharp PA 3000 and 3100 series typewriters.

Our Price: $3.95
3782D Brother/Canon/Swintec Dry Lift Off Tape 3782D Brother/Canon/Swintec Dry Lift Off Tape 1 Each

This is a dry lift off tape you need, fits many Adler, Brother, Canon, Royal and Swintec typewriters.

Our Price: $3.95
3782L IBM Selectric II/III Lo Tac Lift Off Tape 3782L IBM Selectric II/III Lo-Tac Lift Off Tape 1 Each

This is a lo-tac lift off tape, fits IBM Selectric 2 and 3 typewriters.

Our Price: $3.95
3784D Adler 505/805 Lift Off Correcting Cassette 3784D Adler 505/805 Lift Off Correcting Cassette

This is the lift off cassette you need, fits many Adler and Royal typewriters.

Our Price: $15.95
3792D Olivetti ET201/221 Lift Off Tape 3792D Olivetti ET201/221 Lift Off Tape 1 Each

This is the lift off tape you need, fits many Olivetti, Panasonic and Sharp typewriters.

Our Price: $5.95
SKX EL Panasonic KX E708 Lift Off Correction Tape SKX-EL Panasonic KX-E708 Lift Off Correction Tape Box of 6

These are the lift off tape spools you need for your Panasonic KX-E708 typewriter.

Our Price: $35.70